Courses >> Diploma Program (DP) duration: 1 year

The council invite interest from the running institutions who wish to partner with us. The institutions will get their courses for the benefit of the students FOR which council's Evaluators will go through with the contents of the course, its teaching methods, Grading, etc. and after its approval will award certification to their students. The partner institution will use council logo in their premise, stationery and study materials.

The individuals who wish to partner with us can contact the council for its approval to run the courses being suggested or approved by the council.

The council offer Support staff courses working or wishing to work in the field of technology, management, hospitality, hospital, vocational and skill oriented fields.

We provide theory based Certificate Programs to under previledged work force of un-organized sector by subject specialists (trainers)to up grade their knowledge to better their skill.

Fee to Pay